Research/Publications / CV (Forskning/publikationer/CV)

Experimental psychology

In the prime of my academic career (1971-1983), I became interested in studying the perception of the physically upright, guided by visual and tactile stimuli. This evolved into a series of experiments in which visuo-spatio-proprioceptive cues were brought into conflicts.  The series eventually resulted in the development of a new method and theory (10; 1983), culminating in a doctoral thesis (1977) about some of the way(s) in which humans typically solve experimentally created perceptual conflicts with reference to visuo-spatial and proprioceptive information. The results were to an interpretation in terms of Psychological Differentiation Theory.

Just click on underlined titles to read the particular paper. Scanning of papers not yet underlined are in progress.

  1. Nyborg, H. (1971). Tactile stimulation and perception of the vertical. I. Effects of diffuse vs. specific tactile stimulation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 12, 1-3.
  2. Nyborg, H. (1971). Tactile stimulation and perception of the vertical. II. Effects of field dependence, arousal, and cue function. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 12, 135-143.
  3. Nyborg, H. (1972) Light intensity and perception of the vertical: Two experiments with the rod-and-frame-test. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 13, 1-13.
  4. Nyborg, H. (1974). A method for analysing performance in the rod-and-frame test. I. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 15, 119-123.
  5. Nyborg, H. (1974) Light intensity in the rod-and-frame test reconsidered. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 15, 236-237.
  6. Nyborg, H., & Isaksen, B. (1974) A method for analysing performance in the rod-and-frame test. II. Test of the statistical model. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 15, 124-126.
  7. Nyborg, H. (1975) Lys og Psykologi. Lampetten, 2, 88-102.
  8. Nyborg, H. (1977) The effect of geometrical structure on perception of the vertical in the rod-and-frame test. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 44, 583-589.
  9. Nyborg, H. (1977) Ramme-stav testen. Dansk Psykolog Nyt, 24, 650-653.
  10. Nyborg, H. (1977) The rod-and-frame test and the field dependence dimension: Some methodological, conceptual, and developmental considerations. Copenhagen: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag (186 pp).
  11. Nyborg, H. & Isaksen, B. (1979) Critical analysis of a study on field dependence in young children. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 48, 67-70.

Psychometric g, Spatial Ability, Occupation, Personality, and Superstition

The visuo-spatial abilities studied in the above mentioned papers constitute important facets of general intelligence. In addition, the development of these abilities reveal some of the earliest appearing and largest sex differences in first-order factorial intelligence, and tests for them “load” heavily on the higher-order intelligence factor g, which represents general intelligence in the generally accepted hierarchical intelligence model. The consistent finding of a solid sex difference in the above mentioned studies sparked the following publications on sex differences, their stability, and their cross-racial generality, as did a study on the the correlations of birth date with general intelligence:

  1. Nyborg, H. (1983) Spatial ability in men and women: Review and new theory. Advances in Behavior Research and Therapy. (Monograph Series), 5, (whole No.2), 89-140.
  2. Nyborg, H. & Sommerlund, B. (1992) Spearman’s g, the verbal-performance balance, and brain processes: The Lynn-Vernon debate. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(11), 1253- 1255.
  3. Larsen, L., Hartmann, P., & Nyborg, H. (2007d). The stability of general intelligence from early adulthood to middle-age. Intelligence, 36, 29-34.
  4. Hartmann, P., Reuter, M., & Nyborg, H. (2006b). The relationship between date of birth and individual differences in personality and intelligence: A large-scale study. Person. & Indiv. Diff, 40, 1349-1362.
  5. Hartmann, P., Kruuse, N. S., & Nyborg, H. (2007c). Testing the cross-racial generality of Spearman’s hypothesis in two samples. Intelligence, 35(1), 47-57.
  6. Irwing, P., Booth, T., Nyborg, H., & Rushton, J.P. (2012) Are g and the General Factor of Personality (GFP), correlated? Intelligence, 40, 296-305.

2. Critique of Political Correctness, Equality, and Blank Slate Environmentalism

A formal 6-weeks written thesis is an obligatory part of the examination for my Magister’s Degree in Psychology. In 1971 my professors accordingly required me to present an account of “The relationship between Psychology and Genetics”. This was a formidable task for a then essentially left-oriented working-class student activist, who had participated in the occupations of the University of Copenhagen in 1968. It actually fundamentally changed my view on Nature-Nurture questions, and I eventually extended the thesis and turned this into the first book introducing introducing Psychogenetics (or rather Behavioral Genetics) to a Danish audience in 1972. The paradigmatic change in my understanding of behavioral science later inspired a couple of related papers, which increasingly angered left-leaning colleagues and lead to court cases (which I won; see under Polemics).

  1. Nyborg, H. (1771) Socialpsykologiske og personlighedspsykologiske analyser af begrebet Magt. Aarhus: Psykologisk Institut (Lecture).
  2. Nyborg, H. (1972) Psykologi og Genetik – En introduktion til Psykogenetik. (Psychology and Genetics -An introduction to Psychogenetics). Copenhagen: Munksgaard. (135 pp).(In Danish).
  3. Nyborg, H. (1975) Vi anklager_ Social-reduktionismen versus Psykogenetikken. Nordisk Psykologi, 2, 104-125. (In Danish))
  4. Nyborg, H. (1979) Psykogenetik. In K.B. Madsen (Ed.) Dansk Psykologisk Leksikon, (2nd edition). Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 340-342. (In Danish).
  5. Nyborg, H. (1982) Gen-Manipulation: Positive og negative sider. Tidens Stemme, 37, 5-8, (In Danish).
  6. Nyborg, H. (1987) Individual differences or different individuals: That is the question. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 34-35.
  7. Nyborg, H. (1990) Good, bad, and ugly questions about heredity. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13,1, 142-143.
  8. Nyborg, H. (1990) The nature of nature-nurture interactions. Behavior Genetics, (abstract) 20,6, 738-739.
  9. H. Nyborg (1998). Konstitutionslære. Danmarks Nationalleksikon. (In Danish).
  10. Nyborg H. (2003). The sociology of psychometric and biobehavioral sciences: A case study of destructive social reductionism and collective fraud in 20th century academia. In Nyborg H. (Ed.), The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. 441-501). Amsterdam: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.

Collective Academic Fraud

It is welknown that Nature-Nurture or gene-environment questions often generate controversy, in particular in connection with individual, sex, and race differences in general intelligence, education, and occupation. Much of the vitriolic critique against Behavioral Genetics and Differential Psychology has, since the mid-1900 century, been mounted by left-oriented academics and adherents to the Principle of Equality. Most of this critique is not based on a fair and comprehensive reading of existing literature on the possible role of genes and other biological factors – working together with environmental factors. This initiated the following publications:

  1. Nyborg, H. (2007). Do recent large-scale cross-national student assessment studies neglect general intelligence g for political reasons? European Journal of Personality, 2(5), 739- 741.
  2. Nyborg, H. (2011). The greatest collective scientific fraud of the 20th Century: The demolition of differential psychology and eugenics. Mankind Quarterly, 51, 241-268.
  3. Nyborg, H. (2012). Helmuth Nyborg’s Reply to Run Unz’ “debunking” of genetic basis for group IQ differences. American Renaissance.
  4. Woodley, M. et al., (2018).  Communication intelligence research: Media misrepresentation, the Gould Effect, and unexpected forces. Intelligence, online.
  5. Nyborg, H. (2019). Race as Social Construct. Special Issue by Guest Editor Bryan J. Pesta): Beyond Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability. Psych, 1, 139-165. Doi:10.3390/psych1010011.

3. Chromosome Anomalies: Turner’s Syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and men with an extra Y-Chromosome.

One day the phone rang. It was a leading medical doctor from a close-by psychiatric hospital. He said: Given your interests in visuo-spatial abilities and their heritability, would you be interested in joining a research group studying girls, who can’t do math, are visuo-spatially disoriented, and lack some X chromosome material? This sparked the following publications:

  1. Nielsen, J., Nyborg, H. & Dahl, G. (1977) Turner’s Syndrome: A psychiatric-psychological study of 45 women with Turner’s syndrome, compared with their sisters and women with normal karyotype, growth retardation, and primary amenorrhoea. Aarhus: Acta Jutlandica XLV. Medicine Series 21 (190 pp).
  2. Nielsen, J., Nyborg, H. & Dahl, G. (1977) Case material to “Turner’s syndrome. A psychiatric-psychological study of 45 women with Turner’s syndrome, compared with their sisters and women with normal karyotype, growth retardation, and primary amenorrhoea”. Aarhus: Acta Jutlandica XLV. Medicine Series 21 (106 pp.).
  3. Nyborg, H. & Nielsen, J. (1977) Sex chromosome abnormalities and cognitive performance. III. Field dependence, frame dependence, and failing development of perceptual stability in girls with Turner’s syndrome. Journal of Psychology, 96, 205-211.
  4. Baekgaard, W., Nyborg, H., & Nielsen, J. (1978) Neuroticism and extraversion in Turner’s syndrome. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87, 583-586.
  5. Nyborg, H. & Nielsen, J. (1979) Aberrazioni cromosomiche e performance cognitiva. IV. Mancato sviluppo de strategie di soluzione del conflitto ottico-vestibolare in relazione alleta in ragazze con sindrome Turner. In C. Bianchi & E. Polli (Eds.) Aspetti Biosociali della Sviluppo: Un approccio Interdisciplinare. Vol. 1: Problemi Medico-Biologici. Milano: F. Angeli. (Translation from Nyborg, 1976).
  6. Nyborg, H. & Nielsen, J. (1981) Sex hormone treatment and spatial ability in women with Turner’s syndrome. In W. Schmid & J. Nielsen (Eds.) Human Behavior and Genetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, p. 167-182.
  7. Nyborg, H. & Nielsen, J. (1981) Spatial ability of men with karyotype 47,XXY, 47,XYY, or controls. In W. Schmid & J. Nielsen (Eds.) Human Behavior and Genetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, p. 85-106.
  8. Nyborg, H. (1990) Sex hormones, brain development, and spatio-perceptual strategies in women with Turner’s syndrome and in school girls. In B. Bender and D. Berch (Eds.) Sex chromosome abnormalities and behavior: Psychological studies. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press (For The American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C.

4. Sex- and other hormones

The above mentioned research did not reveal any clear links between specific chromosome anomalies and the well-defined cognitive deficits in these women with Turner’s syndrome. This left a nagging feeling that something was left out of the analyses. Years later, while I worked at Oxford University, it struck me that besides the sex chromosome anomalies, girls and women with Turner’s syndrome also suffer from abnormally low levels of sex hormones, for which some of them were treated. This situation had not been in focus in connection with understanding the reason for their cognitive deficit. I therefore decided to study possible effect of hormones on cognition, which generated the following publications:    

  1. Nyborg, H. (1984) Performance and intelligence in hormonally different groups. In G.J. de Vries, J.P.C. de Bruin, H.B.M. Uylings & M.A. Corner (Eds.) Sex Differences in the Brain: The Relation between Structure and Function. Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 61. Amsterdam: Elsevier Biomedical Press, p. 491-508.
  2. Nyborg, H. (1987) Sex hormones, behavioral development, and reproduction rate: A covariant pattern. Gynecological Endocrinology, Vol. 1, No. 1.
  3. Nyborg, H. (1988) Mathematics, sex hormones, and brain function. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 11, 206-207.
  4. Nyborg, H. (1988) Change at puberty in spatio-perceptual strategy in the rod-and-frame test. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 67, 129-130.
  5. Nyborg, H. (1988) Sex hormones and covariant body, brain, and behavioural development. Neuroendocrinology Letters, Vol. 10, No. 4, 217.
  6. Nyborg, H. & Boeggild, C. (1989) Mating behavior – Moves of mind or molecules? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12, 29-30.
  7. Ellis, L. & Nyborg, H. (1992) Racial/Ethnic variations in male testosterone levels: A possible contributor to group differences in health. Steroids, 57(2), 72-75.
  8. Nyborg, H. (1994) The neuropsychology of sex-related differences in brain and specific abilities: Hormones, developmental dynamics, and new paradigm. Chapter 4. In: P.E. Vernon (Ed.), The Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Individual Differences. New York: Academic Press, p 59- 113.
  9. H. Nyborg. (1997). Testosteron, personlighed og seksualitet. In: Hjerne & Seksualitet: Aspekter af Teori & Klinik, edited by C. Graugaard, P. Hertoft, and B. Moehl. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, p. 43-61.
  10. Netter, P., Toll, C., Rohrmann, S., Hennig, J., & Nyborg, H. (2000). Configural frequency analysis of factors associated with testosterone levels in Vietnam veterans. Psychologische Beiträge, Band 42, 504-514.
  11. Nyborg, H. & Jensen, A. R. (2000). Testosterone Levels as Modifiers of Psychometric g. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 601-607.
  12. Reuter, M., Netter, P., Hennig, J., Mohiyeddini, C., & Nyborg H. (2003). Test of Nyborg’s General Trait Covariance (GTC) model for hormonally guided development by means of structural equation modelling. European Journal of Personality, 17, 221-235.
  13. Nyborg, H. (2004). Multivariate modelling of testosterone-dominance associations. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 155-162.


The possibility that sex hormones may affect the development of creativity was briefly touched upon in the following papers:

  1. Nyborg, H. (1991) A model for selective sex hormonal depression of creativity at puberty (Summary in  Neuroendocrinology Letters, 13,3, 187).
  2. H. Nyborg (1997). Molecular Creativity, Genius and Madness. In: The Scientific Study of Human Nature: Tribute to Hans Eysenck at Eighty, edited by H. Nyborg, Oxford: Pergamon, p. 422-461

The Science of Physicology

Traditionally psychology springs out of philosophy, and often make reference to abstract concepts like the mind, the psyche, needs, desires and will, in order to explain human behavior. However, solid research suggests that body, brain, and behavioral development is at least as much affected by genes and the physical nature of the environment, and that the gene expression can be modulated experimentally by manipulating hormonal and environmental factors. This made me suggest a new approach called Physicology.  In Physicology, motives, needs, etc. are substituted as causal factors by (partly) measurable coupled intra-and intersystemic mass-molecular interactions. The goal is to , and illustrates that development and behavior may as well emanate from non-psychic bio-physical factors. This tentative program is presented in the following publications:

  1. Nyborg, H. (1994) Hormones, sex, and society: The science of physicology. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  2. H. Nyborg (1997). Hormoner, Køn, og Samfund: Videnskaben og Fysikologien, Copenhagen: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag (Danish translation of 1994 book).
  3. Nyborg, H. (1997). Psychology as science. In H. Nyborg (Ed.), The Scientific Study of Human Nature: Tribute to Hans J. Eysenck at Eighty (1. ed., pp. 563-589). Oxford: Pergamon.
  4. H. Nyborg (1998). Molecular man in a molecular world: Applied physicology. Psyche & Logos, 18, 457-474.
  5. H. Nyborg. (1998) Personality, psychology, and the molecular wave: Covariation of genes with hormones, experience, and traits. In: Volume of Personality Psychology in Europe, edited by J. Bermudez, B. De Raad, A. M. Perez, A. Sanchez-Elvira, and G. L. van Heck. The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.
  6. Nyborg, H. (2007). Intelligence, hormones, sex, brain size and biochemistry: It all needs to have equal causal standing before integration is possible. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30, 164-165.

Race, Intelligence, Education, Personality, and Occupation

Intelligence and personality correlate with multiple social factors. A few of these relations are demonstrated in the following studies:

  1. Nyborg, H. & Jensen, A. R. (2000c). The Black-White Differences on various psychometric tests: Spearman’s hypothesis tested on American armed services veterans. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 593-599.
  2. Nyborg, H. & Jensen, A. R. (2001d). Occupation and Income Related to Psychometric g. Intelligence, 29, 45-55.
  3. Hartmann, P., Larsen, L., & Nyborg, H. (2009). Personality as predictor of achievement. Journal of Individual Differences, 30(2) (doi:10.1027/1614-0001.30.2.005).

Sex differences in Personality, Intelligence, and Occupation

My doctoral dissertation studies (see 1.10; 1977 above) focused on perception of the physically upright, but sex differences continued to appear. At first I tried to control for them statistically, as I considered them a kind of unwanted “noise” in an otherwise elegant experimental design. However, as further experimental analysis suggested that the differences were robust and part of a rather general phenomenon, I decided to pursue them in their own way. Together with a study of cross-cultural differences in personality, this new interest gave rise to the following investigations: 

  1. Nyborg, H., Eysenck, S.B.G., & Kroll, N. (1982) Cross-Cultural comparison of personality in Danish and English children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 23, 291-297.
  2. Nyborg H. (2003). Sex difference in g. In Nyborg H. (Ed.), The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. 187-222). Amsterdam: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
  3. Nyborg, H. (2005). Sex-related differences in general intelligence g, brain size, and social status. Person. Indiv. Diff. 39, 497-509.
  4. Nyborg, H. (2005). National and sex difference in scholastic achievement among 276,164 15-year-old students: Hierarchical factor analysis of the 2003 cycle international PISA project. In: Abstract, pp. 24-25 in Proceeding of The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Adelaide, South Australia.
  5. Nyborg, H., Albeck, H., & Hartmann, P. (2006). Rasch probabilistic modeling of the NLSY97 study, using the Computer Adaptive form of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (CAT-ASVAB97), confirms a significant male lead in general ability. Abstract in: Proceedings of the Sevent Annual Conference for the International Society for Intelligence Research (p. 46), Hyatt, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  6. Nyborg, H. (2015). Sex differences across different racial ability levels: Theories of origin and societal consequences. Intelligence, 52, 44-62.

Drug Abuse

While working for a year at the Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Rockefeller University, New York, with professor Bruce McEwen, I met a biochemist, Henrik Albeck who called my attention to relations between intelligence and drug abuse. I accordingly did a couple of studies with him, Lars Larsen from Institut of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, in addition to working with Bruce McEwen and his colleagues:

  1. Pavlides, C., Westlind-Danielsson, A.I., Nyborg, H., & McEwen, B. (1991) Neonatal hyperthyroidism disrupts hippocampal LTP and spatial learning. Experimental Brain Research, 85, 559-564.
  2. Nyborg, H. & Albeck, H. (2005). Drug abuse in mental illness assessed through the association between drug abuse patterns and psychiatric inventories. In (pp. xx). Wyndham Palace Resort, Orlando, Florida.
  3. Albeck, H., Larsen, L., & Nyborg, H. (2006). When our vices leave us – Age-related decline in drug abuse and testosterone. (Poster, CPDD, June 2006).


Being an agnostics myself, I always wondered why even well-educated scientists could believe in supernatural phenomena like various religious persuasions and abstract gods, in the presence of having otherwise formidable formal analytic capabilities. This sparked two studies: One on the relationship between intelligence and devotion, another one on the atheism rates across nations with differing average IQs:  

  1. Nyborg, H. (2008). The intelligence-religiosity nexus: A representative study of white adolescent Americans. Intelligence, 37(1), 81-93. (doi:10.1016.j.intell.2008.08.003).
  2. Lynn, R., Harvey, J., & Nyborg, H. (2008). Average intelligence predicts Atheism rates across 137 nations. Intelligence, 37(1), 11-15. (doi:10.1016/j.intell.2008.03.004).
  3. Ellis, L., Hoskin, A.W., Dutton, E., & Nyborg, H. (2017). The future of secularism: a biologically informed theory supplemented with Cross-Cultural evidence. Evolutionary Psychological Science. Doe 10.1007/s40806-017-0090-z

Differential Demography

Shortly after the turn of the 21st. century, I became interested in analysing possible effects of the already then considerable low-IQ Southern non-Western immigration to Denmark. As official statistics increasingly mix the count of ethnic Danes with naturalized immigrants and their offspring, I first suggested an ethnically true population count, but could not raise the money needed. I then did a retro-analysis of official data, and combined them with country-of-origin IQ data from Lynn and Vanhanen and fertility data from UN and another source in a 2012 publication (see below). This angered three colleagues so much that they wrote to the publisher, asking them to retract the paper. They also filed a court case against me, and I was a couple of years later deemed scientifically dishonest on two points (see the section on Collective Fraud). However, the publisher set up a committee of four eminent scientists and asked them to independently examine the case. After having inspected the raw data, this committee found no signs of dishonesty (See Vernon, 2015). I then asked a Higher Court to reconsider the Lower Court accusation. In 2016, this court unanimously decided that the Lower Court must recall their decision about dishonesty. It never appealed this decision to the Highest Court.

    1. Nyborg, H. (2012). The decay of Western Civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian selection. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 118-125.
    1. Nyborg, H. (2013). Migratory selection for inversely related covariant T-, and IQ-Nexus traits: Testing the IQ/T-Geo-Climatic-Origin theory by the General Trait Covariance modelPersonality & Individual differences, 55, 267-272.
  1. Vernon, T. (2015). Editor’s Note. Refers to: “The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection”, H. Nyborg, Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 53, Issue 2, July 2012, Pages 118-125. Editorial, Editor’s Note. Personality and Individual Differences, 78, 100-101.

Introductions, Interviews, and Obituaries.

  1. H. Nyborg (1997). Hans Eysenck: The man, his friends, and this book. In: The Scientific Study of Human Nature: A Tribute of Hans Eysenck at Eighty, edited by H. Nyborg, Oxford:Pergamon, p. xiv-xxix.
  2. Deary, Ian (1997). Tribute to Hans Eysenck. Person. individ. Diff. Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 713-714.
  3. Nyborg H. (2003). General introduction: Arthur Jensen – The man, his friends and this book. In H. Nyborg (Ed.), The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. xiii-xxv). Amsterdam: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
  4. Nyborg H. (2003). Introduction of part I: The g factor. In Nyborg H. (Ed.), The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. 3-4). Amsterdam: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
  5. Nyborg H. (2003). Introduction to Part II: The biology of g. In Nyborg H. (Ed.), The
    scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. 25-27). Amsterdam: Pergamon.
  6. Nyborg H. (2003). Introduction to Part III: The demography of g. In Nyborg H. (Ed.), The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. 125-126). Amsterdam: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
  7. Nyborg H. (2003). Introduction to part IV: The g nexus. In Nyborg H. (Ed.), The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. 225-227). Amsterdam: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
  8. Nyborg H. (2003). Introduction to part V: Reservations about g. In Nyborg H. (Ed.), The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen (pp. 369-371). Amsterdam: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
  9. Nyborg, H. (2012, guest editor). Special issue on Evolution of race and sex differences in intelligence and personality: Tribute to Richard Lynn at eighty. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 2, 75-162.
  10. Nyborg, H. (2012). Introduction to the special issue on Evolution of race and sex differences in intelligence and personality: Tribute to Richard Lynn at eighty. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 2, 78.
  11. Nyborg, H. (2012). A conversation with Richard Lynn. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(2), 79-84.
  12. Nyborg, H. (2013). In conversation with J. Philippe Rushton. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 3, 205-211.
  13. Nyborg, H. (2013). Obituary: J. Philippe Rushton: Eminent scientist, pioneer, and gentleman, died 2. October 2012. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 3, 201-202.
  14. Nyborg H. (2013). Introduction to the memorial issue for J. Philippe Rushton. Personality and Individual Differences 55, 3, 203-204.

Books and Journal Issues edited

  1. Nyborg, H. (Ed.) (1997). The Scientific Study of Human Nature: Tribute to Hans J. Eysenck at Eighty. Oxford: Pergamon.
  2. Nyborg, H. Ed. (2003). The scientific study of general intelligence: Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen. UK: Oxford: Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
  3. Nyborg, H. (2013). Race and sex difference in intelligence and personality: A
    tribute to Richard Lynn at 80. London, UK: The Ulster Institute for Social Science.
  4. Nyborg, H (2014). The life history approach to human differences, J. Philippe
    Rushton in Memoriam. London: The Ulster Institute for Social Science.

Newspaper debates

It has been argued that the obligatory Børge Prien Prøve used when young people are drafted to military service had a racial bias because it showed racial differences. To the contrary, it is one of the technically best IQ tests, just proving race differences:

  1. Nyborg, H. (2005, July 8). Sessionsprøven er farveblind. Weekendavisen.

It is argued that modern left-leaning universities tend to pursue scientists with data not supporting the Blank Slate and equality illusions:

  1. Nyborg, H. (2012, December 12). Universitet i global heksejagtJyllands-Posten.

At the age of three I witnessed the Nazi occupation of Denmark. I still remember my father then said: We definitely have to do something about this. Together with my uncles and cousins he joined the freedom fighter movement.

They all appear in this picture, with others, taken on the day of Nazi surrender in 1945, with my father standing in front on the sidestep of the car.

It is my impression that Denmark is in an even more deadly dangerous situation now with massive southern non-Western low IQ, high fertility immigration, not properly controlled by responsible authorities. The following op-eds reflect this fear, and a wish to do something about it:

Nyborg, H. (2015, August 21). Værd at vide om indvandring. Jyllands-Posten.

  1.        Nyborg, H. (2016, April 8). Frygt Danmarks fremtid. Jyllands-Posten. (Også på Engelsk og på Finsk).
  2. Nyborg, H. (2012, September). Vestlige lande bliver dummere dag for dag. Dispatch International.
  3. Nyborg, H. (2012, 28. November). Everybody is hurt when journalists confuse science with politics. Dispatch International.
  4. Hundevadt, K. (27. August, 2006). Kværulanten og Kommissæren. Jylandsposten.
  5. Hundevadt, K. (28. august 2005) Processen mod Nyborg. Jyllandsposten.

Interviews or publications about Helmuth Nyborg

  1. Lasse Wamsler & Louise Vogdrup-Schmidt. (2011, 1 October). Fyrbøderen imod verden. Information.


1953-1962 Business apprenticeship. Diploma in management. Employment in       electronics and chemical industries; Professional photographer. Junior engineer in merchant navy, Certified Radio Operator, Navy School of Telecommunication. Radio-Officer in the merchant navy.
1962 Preliminary introductory examen: Ahms Kursus, Copenhagen. 1963-1965 Studying classical languages: Statens og Hovedstadskommunernes Kursus, Münstersvej, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.
1966 Filosofikum: University of Copenhagen.
1968 M.A. (Psychology), Psykologisk Laboratorium, University of Copenhagen.
1971 Mag.Art.: Psychology (Approx.: Ph.d): Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
1977 Doctor of Philosophy (Dr.Phil.). Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus. Subject: “Psychological Differentiation”.
Professional Appointments
1968-1970 Instructor, Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Subjects: Personality and Social Psychology.
1971-1972 Assistant Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Subjects: Personality and Social Psychology.
1972-1974 Research fellowship (see below).
1974-1975 Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Subjects: Experimental Psychology, Psychophysics, Early Cognitive Development, Differential Psychology.
1974-1975 Associate Professor, Royal Danish School of Higher Education, Aarhus, Denmark. Subjects: Ego Development, Role Theory, Cultural Influences on Behaviour, Group Dynamics
1975-1976 Associate Professor, Open University, Aarhus Subjects: The Developing Personality; The deviant person.
1976-1977 Research fellowship (see below).
1977-1979 Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Subjects: Nature-Nurture problems, Behavioral Genetics, Differential Psychology.
1979-1980 Research Fellowship (see below)
1980-1984 Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Subjects: Neuropsychology, Personality Development, Behavioral Genetics, Differential Psychology.
1982-1983 Director, Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
1984-1985 Research Fellowship (see below)
1986-2006 Founder and Director: “The International Research Center for PsychoNeuroEndocrinology”, Institute of Psychology, Aarhus University, Denmark.
1987 Research Fellowship (see below).
1988-1989 Research Fellowship (see below).
1990-2006 Chairman: Department of Developmental Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Aarhus University, Denmark.
1994-2007 Professor of Developmental and Child Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Aarhus University, Denmark.
2005-2007 Chairman: Individual Difference Research Unit (IDRU).
2007– Retired professor Emeritus.

Awards and Fellowships
1970-1971 Scholarship, Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Sponsor: Professor, Dr.phil. Gerhard Nielsen: Subject: Experimental studies of the development of individual differences in spatial abilities and in Optic-Vestibular(-Somesthetic) interaction.
1972-1975 Medical Research Fellowship in Biological Psychiatry, Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Psychiatric Hospital, Risskov, Denmark. Sponsor: Professor, Mogens Schou, Subjects: Psychopharmaco-therapy, Studies of individual perceptual, intellectual, and personality development in children with sex chromosome abnormalities.
1976-1977 Senior Research Fellowship, Max-Planck-Institute of Behavioral Physiology, Seewiesen, West Germany. Sponsored by the “Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung”, Bonn, West Germany. In cooperation with Professors, Dr. rer. Nat. Hermann Schöne and Horst Mittelstaedt. Subjects: Experimental studies of the development of perceptual strategies in optic-vestibular (somesthetic) conflict solutions in man and animal; Studies of cybernetic models for evolution, Developmental ethology.
1979-1980 Senior Research Fellowship, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, England. Sponsored by the Danish Research Council for the Humanities, Copenhagen. In cooperation with Professor Jeffrey Gray, Subjects: Psychoneuroendocrinological studies of perceptual, intellectual, and personality development.
1984 Visiting Professor, NATO Senior Research Fellowship combined with a Fulbright Stipendium, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado, USA. In cooperation with Professor J.R. Wilson: Subjects: Behavioral Genetics, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Developmental Neurobiology.

1985 Visiting Professor, The Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. In cooperation with Professor June Reinisch, Subjects: Prenatal development, Effects of sex hormones on body, brain, and behavior, Sexual orientation.

1987 Senior Research Fellowship (with support from Research Foundation for the University of Aarhus) at The Department of Child Health and Development, University of London. In cooperation with Professors James Tanner and M. Preece: Subjects: Models for child development, The diagnosis and treatment of childhood disorders, Sex hormonal correlates of prenatal and later development.
1989-1990 Visiting Professor, The Rockefeller University, Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, New York, USA. In cooperation with Professor Bruce McEwen, Subjects: Experimental studies on neuroendocrine development and learning in the rat: A test of the General Trait Covariance Model, Developmental psychoneuroendocrinology, Revision of the traditional nature-nurture model.
1992 Visiting Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. In cooperation with Professor Gene Sackett, Primate Research Center: Subjects: Neuroendocrine aspects of behavioral development in non-human primates: A test of the General Trait Covariance Model, Animal development.
1994 Visiting Professor, Institute for Psychiatric Research, Department of Biological Psychiatry, Psychiatric Hospital, Aarhus. In cooperation with Professor, dr. med. Raben Rosenberg, Subject: Sex hormones and psychotic development.
1998 Visiting Professor, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University, Denmark. In cooperation with Professor in Theoretical Physics, Benny Lautrup, Subjects: Mathematical Dimensioning of Molecular models.
1998 Visiting Professor, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. In cooperation with Professors George Cowan and Steen Rasmussen (Los Alamos National Laboratory). Subject: Mathematical Dimensioning of Molecular models.
2000 Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA. In cooperation with Professor Arthur R. Jensen, Graduate School of Education. Subject: Linear hierarchical models of intelligence.

Professional, Community and Public Activities

Member: Danish Magister’s Association. Scandinavian Association for Researchers in Theoretical Psychology.
Behavioral Genetics Association. (Served on membership committee 1983-7). The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (Serving on Committee for Ethical Principles 1984-9; Ex Officio Board of Directors 1995-1999; Board of directors 1999-2005; Nominated president 2007). The International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (until 2000) University Committees (Board of Studies, various sub-committees, director of Ph.d studies 2001).

Chairman: International Conference on “The Neuropsychology of Learning Disorders”, Korsor, Denmark, June 15-18, 1975. Chairing session on “Physiological and Biochemical Correlates to Learning Disorders”.
Organizer and Chairman: Symposium on “Biological, Social, and Cross-Cultural Aspects of Sex-Specific Cognitive Development”, International Society of the Study of Behavioural Development, University of York, Toronto, Canada, August, 1981.
Chairman: Symposium on “Hormonal Aspects of Psychosomatic Obstetrics/Gynecology, Twenty-First Congress of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Buffalo/Niagara Falls, New York, USA, August 20-24, 1990.
Organizer and Chairman: Symposium on “Hormones, Intelligence, and Personality Development”, The Sixth Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Baltimore, MA., 17-21 July, 1993
Organizer and Chair: The VIII Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, University of Aarhus, Denmark, July 20-24th., 1997
Chairman: Symposium on “Secular changes in intelligence”, co-sponsored by the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences and the Behavioral Genetics Society, June 2000, University of Vancouver, Canada.
Editorial Consultant: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Clinical Endocrinology. Intelligence. Perceptual and Motor Skills. Personality and Individual Differences. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Editorial board: Neuropsychobiology 2012 – Member of the Scientific Board for The Ulster Institute for Social Research, London.
1960 Olympic Bronze Medal Winner in kayak, Rome, 1960: 4 x 500 meter Relay. (Click for picture take immediately before the final competition)